Learn with DigiVET

Developing an Innovative Integrated System and Learning Methods for digitizing Vocational Education and mobilities.


Our goal is to develop an integrated vocational education e-learning platform (a mobile and desktop application). This goal would enable the involved partners to digitalize mobility processes more effectively to make the delivery of education more convenient for all parties (especially for students, schools, host institutions). The outcome would be an integrated platform for learning, communication, file, and information sharing throughout, the mobility to serve as a one-stop-shop and aggregate all necessary information.


Digital mobilities

International mobilities are going to the digital space – administration wise. A digital space, platform where students, schools and hosting companies can be connected even before the mobilities.

Development of e-learning materials

Building upon the need for digital competencies and skills that are not available through the traditional vocational education, we will develop e-learning materials and supporting documents (such as the guidebook for the platform) with a special focus on digital skills for all kinds of disciplines to better match the changes job criteria and the changing circumstances. The main focus of the materials will be to develop the student’s competencies in order to face new challenges and improve students’ employability.

Creating synergies through cooperation and transnational challenges

To catalyze cooperation between the educational institutions, business representatives, and other associated partners in order to support a comprehensive approach to innovation
and knowledge exchange.

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